Sunday 4 December 2016

5 Common Vastu Mistakes you commits while placing mirror

Mirror, mirror on that wall…who is beautiful of them all??? You all are familiar with this statement as the piece of mirror played an important role in all those fairy tales. Like in those fairy tales, the reflecting mirror piece was playing an important role; same goes with our daily life and Vastu Shastra. Many times we only take this as a normal piece of Décor in our home and we generally commit some major mistakes which do affect our surrounded environment. To know what are they read below….

Overlook the Shape:

We usually do not pay attention to the shape of a mirror which is the first mistake we commit. It is always suggested to buy a square shaped or Rectangular shaped mirror and avoid circular or oval shape. Mirrors can bring a lot of harmony to the place so to avoid any misfortune be very wise while choosing the shape of your mirror.  

Ignore the Frame:

Next thing which we overlook is the frame, it is always advised to buy a mirror with Frame. Because a frame covers the mirror boundaries and hence avoid any kind of breakage. And it is always suggested not to keep any damaged mirror in a home as that attract negative energy and creates misbalance in an environment. The frame will not only look good but will also protect your mirror.  

Hanging in the wrong direction:

We all just hang the mirror in our home, wherever we want to but, according to Vastu, it is suggested to hang in North or East direction. By placing the mirror in the right direction you will invite positive energy, good wealth, and prosperity. Also, a mirror placed in right directions adopt positive energy and reflects Positive Energy in a home.

Placing at wrong position:

Like direction, positions also matters a lot while placing a mirror. If a mirror is placed in front of the main door or entrance it will reflect away the positive energies. Reflection plays a major role according to Vastu so always make sure that mirror shows a clear picture or reflection of anyone standing. A mirror that reflects dining Table symbolizes the abundance of food and invites prosperity.

Height mistake:

Height is also a very common mistake which we usually do while hanging the mirror, it is suggested to hang the mirror at least 4-5 feet above the floor. And always hang the mirror flat against the wall and not leaning forward. By hanging a mirror at an appropriate height, it will suck up all the negative energy and will spread all the positive energy in your home.

By  taking care of all these points while placing mirror one can easily welcome the good fortune in a home and can enhance the prosperity in a home. 

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