Friday 11 November 2016

5 Super easy tips to make your furniture last forever

Wood furniture is a treasured possession in any home, you had spent a good amount of money on purchasing them. None of us changes the furniture frequently as setting a new setup and buying a new one can be a bit hard and expensive too. So smartness is maintaining your Furniture and that can be done by some simple methods, to know what are they continue reading.

Stay Away From Heat and Light:

Naturally, wood contains a sufficient amount of moisture and preserving the appropriate amount of moisture is a key to preserving your furniture for decades. So, making them place near excessive heat and light moisture is absorbed which lessens the age of your furniture. It is suggested not to place your furniture where direct sunlight comes and also where there is excessive humidity. Make the placing of your Beautiful Furniture in proper weather.

Guard from Damage:

In everyday life, there are so many things which unknowingly hurt the furniture. Beverage sweating, glass rings on the surface, heat from hot dish can ruin the wood finish. To avoid this, use Tea Coasters and place your coffee mugs or tea cups on it. Always use trivets when you are serving something hot on your table. Don’t drag anything sharp or rough surfaced things on your table as it will give scratches to your furniture.  

Clean Smartly & Safely:

When it comes to cleaning, dust your furniture frequently as Occasionally will require a heavier cleaning. For removing greasy stains and smoke film use an oil soap solution or gently you can dip a sponge in that solution and can wipe through it. Do not use a rough duster; use a soft cloth for wiping the dust. And dusting with a dry cloth will scratch your, so lightly spritz your cleaning cloth.  


Like a human body, even the furniture also needs a moisturizer to nourish their skin. For nourishing your furniture surface you can choose from waxing or polishing depending upon the situation. When your furniture is a bit older then you should go for a wax, because it will heal the scratches and damps and will give a long lasting coating. And when your furniture is not hat old and just to give a glossy touch you can use a polish.

Swap & Rearrange:

Most of us gravitate to our favorite places and that particular furniture piece becomes a mostly usable furniture compare to others. So for avoiding that thing you should shuffle or rearrange your furniture piece so that all the furniture bears same weight. Also, this applies to the Upholstery and cushions surrounded by your furniture.

These are simple and easy tricks which will make your furniture survive for decades. Use them and save money.     

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