Friday 21 October 2016

A charismatic Tale of Miniature Paintings

Art is an important part of any culture. The various art forms give the insight of different culture and history. There are many arts across the world, but nowadays the trending one is Miniature art. We all love the miniature paintings because we appreciate the fines and detailed portraying of thing in miniature art. But ever felt curiosity about this art? If yes then here is a perfect explanation…

Miniature Painting is one of the various art forms dominating from the decades in the state of Rajasthan. By the size, these paintings got their names. This miniature artwork is created on a perishable surface like stone, metal, paper and ivory at an extremely small size. Painted with gentle strokes of hellish fine brushes these paintings are a scenario of different beliefs and motives. Ever felt curiosity about this art? If yes then here is a perfect explanation…

Long decades ago: 

The history of Miniature paintings takes you back to 6th and 7th centuries. It was the time when Kashmiri painting styles were in trend. And at the time of origin, this style was mainly popular in Rajasthan but after some time it gained popularity widely in other parts of country’s as well. Because of the irruptions led by the foreign countries had an enormous bang of their cultures on miniature painting styles.

Many rulers, made new-new changes and developed their own style of paintings. Apart from showing various stories and events, these paintings were also used to support books and articles. These paintings vastly used themes were from famous Indian epics like Ramayana, Mahabharata, and piranhas. During that time many of the art schools were introduced for learning and skilling this art.

Behind the curtain:

There are various stages which are involved behind the making of these miniature paintings. The first step is sketching, the sketch is prepared by an artist on a smooth surface of the paper with a light blue or reddish brown ink. The sketch contains only the outline of figures. Later bold and hard accurate lines are drawn.

The second step involves tracing of the drawn sketch on the surface.  Earlier Deer skin was used to trace the sketch but now a stencil is made which is then placed on the surface and a black pigment is passed through pinholes leaving soft outlines which are later reinforced by brush.

The third step involves coloring the figure, which is the main life of this painting. The pigments are firstly blended and laid flat over the paper and contrasting colors are used. And the three-dimensional effects are created by two methods of shading; the original color is spread on the surface and darker colors are applied, or the shading pigment is gradually mixed with original pigment when it is still wet.

In this whole process human figures are painted first, animal figures next, and the background is last colored. After coloring and shading, the outlines of the objects in the primary sketch by a darker tone and by which the figure gives a well-finished look.

Later on, the Miniature is faced down on a hard and smooth surface and gently and firmly it is stroked with a polished piece of agate stone. This gives a protective hardening and gives an overall unity of texture to the painting.

Because of its fine and artistic details, Miniature Paintings are worldwide famous. And the overwhelmed popularity of Rajasthani arts, Rajasthan has become the center of this style of art. You can browse online this art form painted product and can decor you adornment with a traditional gaze.

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